Prominent symbols: There were a lot of sex symbols used in the comic, both physical and mental images are very much pushed to the extreme during conversation and actions taken. The panels push it in both the drawn detail, and the dialogue used. Overall the comic is gritty, but tries to push realism, in this very much fictional world. It was trying to seem religious, but felt very much the opposite as well. With extreme violence and gore, it felt more like dogma a parody on religion itself / taking it to what in reality religion actually presents itself to be.
I made a somewhat personal connection with how religion is sort of treated. It's treated very crudely and shows the darker sides of what religion typically can do to people if they are too invested into it. Other than that there isn't much of a connection to this comic with me, It felt a little forced for me, and i couldn't connect to many of the characters.
Adaption: If i were to adapt this to television or film, I would probably tone down some of the 70s aspects, and make it a bit more modernized, but with similar settings and appearances. The reason being is simply to have the audience relate to it more, and to have a more modern generation watching it. I may also change the appearance of how heaven was perceived into something more mechanical, the style of heaven did not match the style on earth very well, so when characters collided they would feel more in place with one another.
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