Comics have gone a long way in history, but it amazes me how much we still take from the originals and classics, to make our comics read even more powerfully today. Jack Cole is a huge inspiration for me, not necessarily for the comics he created, but more so for his pinup illustrations, and pushing the female figure in an interesting appealing way. The eyes he draws are iconic, and he draws women not with a straight forward pinup intention, but the natural subtly is still there. As for the comics of this time, a new form of storytelling was coming out. Many in the Military started to take interest in comics, and the comic book started to make its debut.
Scenes in comic books became more violent, and started to lean towards more adult audiences. It opened a whole new market for comic books. It amazes me to see how far some of these comics during the time have gone, captain america was first published in the early 1940's, and now is a reoccurring character in the Avengers, and has two modern cinema movies, soon to be three.
The dialogue behind early comics, almost read as old radio shows, which could have very well been an inspiration when making them. However, as time progressed dialogue became a prominent factor behind comics, and narration was much less often of a reoccurrence between panels. Overall it was the 1940s that really began to have a wide variation of comics, for multiple ages. It was this time that was he golden age of comics.
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